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Taking inclusion to new heights with our Kanopé inclusive towers

To allow all children access to play equipment and the same games!

The inclusive play area is based on 2 basic concepts: the pleasure of playing and a shared play experience.

It gives all children the means to explore and develop, at their own pace and according to their abilities. It is a place where a positive interaction is created between the play activity and the child, whoever he or she may be, and which, more generally, encourages socialising and exchanges in a friendly environment.

Proludic, through decades of commitment to the needs of children with disabilities, has built up extensive expertise in the area of inclusion. The company is continuously designing new equipment aimed at giving as many children with disabilities as possible the chance to play with their able-bodied peers

The towers in the Kanopé range: models of accessibility and inclusion

As part of a continuous innovation approach and inspired by the importance of “playing together”, Proludic is continuously innovating and developing its Kanopé range with the creation of inclusive towers which demonstrate that neither size nor height is an obstacle to shared play between children with different abilities, allowing children with motor difficulties, for example, to access a 3-metre-high slide.